7 Reasons to use Video in your Social Media

The ways we receive information and communication are constantly changing, especially on social media. By using multiple social media channels, content marketers are most successful. Any content posted across multiple channels is forty times more likely to get shared than any all-text content posting.

Video is increasingly becoming an essential portion of promotional programs. Approximately 65 percent of the time SMEs use videos. Large corporations consider them to be the most engaging method of communication for audiences.

Online videos will account for more than 82 percent of all consumer internet traffic in 2022. Here are seven reasons you should use them in your social media site.

1. Capture Interest

Hooking an audience by using videos on social media is a tool that works. They allow you to be brief and catch viewers’ Interest within seconds. These visual depictions are made by condensing the information into smaller snippets that are easy for the consumer to grasp.

Videos should provide long enough content to maintain Interest but short enough to leave users wanting more. Providing the video’s clear intention at the beginning keeps scrollers from moving on.

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO Strategy)

Optimizing content for search engines is no different for videos and we know that SEOs work. Social media platforms and channels have become like search engines, so your content must be relevant. This SEO strategy will place you at the top of the “trending” and “popular” and trending hashtags lists. Organic search results are the unpaid results that appear on a search engine results page after search queries and aids in SEO.

This can be done by creating compelling headlines with descriptions of your video to ensure it will register in searches. Creating relevant hashtags on Twitter enhances searches too. For every hashtag, Twitter offers in-depth analytics and details key demographics, which helps you with search optimization. Complementary hashtags boost search results across YouTube, Facebook, and Facebook Instagram.

3. Tactical Marketing

You should have a goal for your video. Such as driving traffic to your site, sharing information, purchase of a product, or having users share your video.

Directing users to take the desired action can be accomplished by using internal links such as clicking “find out more here.” Videos on social media help to drive conversions. This is a viable social media strategy for your brand.

4. Use of Trending Topics

Giving your brand a voice by using videos allows them to move quickly. This allows your brand to take advantage of breaking news, consumer tips, or any other type of content that goes viral. The video content you deliver must be relevant to the audience.

Take advantage of your consumer demographics by utilizing popular hashtags that occur weekly. As a brand, you want to create conversations, and by linking your video to these trending topics is vital.

5. Share Breaking News

A study by Hootsuite found that nearly half of American adults interact with companies on at least one social media channel.

  • More than four out of every five Americans (83 percent) have a social media account
  • Nearly half of Americans (48 percent) have interacted with companies or institutions on at least one social media network
  • 41 percent of Americans say it’s essential that the institutions they engage with have a solid social media presence

Americans who have a social media account:

  • 28 percent would instead engage with a brand/organization on social media than visit a physical location
  • 59 percent agree that customer service via social media has made it easier to resolve questions and concerns

Using videos on social media is an excellent way to share major breaking news stories. You can also provide insights into your brand that may be difficult to convey otherwise.

6. Increasing Exposure of your Logo and Brand

Your brand logo plays a prominent role in connecting the consumer with your company. Using your logo in videos gives you optimal exposure for your brand. The quality of your video is relevant as poor acoustics and visuals impact your credibility.

Poor video quality can leave users with a negative brand association. You can watermark your video with your logo and allow instant recognition of your brand.

7. Monitor Engagement

Track your videos to discern what works and what does not work. Tracking the progress of your videos will help in successful future video marketing. Social media channels give you analytic features so you can easily see views and shares. You should also pay attention to click thoughts to indicate how well your message is delivering.


Marketers have plenty of options regarding how they use video content. YouTube is a great place to create videos. These are other options you can use:

  • Posting a story on social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat is advantageous. This story disappears after a time. The advantage here is that they can be inexpensive to create and do not take a long time to make and you communicate directly to your audience.
  • Live video is compelling and has grown in recent years.
  • Another excellent way to directly interact with your customers is through the use of Webinars. You can answer questions and interact directly or even teach prominent aspects of your business.

About AlphaKey Digital

Allow AlphaKey Digital to take care of any of your digital needs. Alpha Key Digital specializes in advanced digital marketing techniques. From design to execution, we can provide the clarity and confidence your business needs.

Organic Search Vs. Paid Search

If you have a question that needs to be answered or are looking for a product, then odds are you are going to Google it. Google has long stood as the most powerful search engine and continues to advance its technology. Millions of search results populate Google’s search results page, so how does it determine what to show first?

Within these results, you will see a mix of both organic search and paid search results. The difference between the two comes down to how they got there. Understanding the difference between organic and paid search results can help your website rank higher.

Organic search

Organic search results are the “natural” results that come up when you type a question or phrase into Google. Typically Google will show you a couple of paid search results before the organic ones. Google’s algorithm determines what it believes are the best results for what you are looking for. These results are determined by looking at title tags, meta descriptions, keywords and so much more.

Not only should your website have a lot of high-quality, relevant content, but you should also be optimizing it. There are many SEO, search engine optimization, techniques you can use in order to help your ranking. Ranking with SEO can be a long process, but working with an experienced digital marketing agency will help ensure you climb the list.

Paid Search

Paid search results are ads that businesses pay for in order to show up the highest in google search results. Rather than waiting for SEO to boost your website in the search results, you can simply pay to rank higher. You can tell a search result is paid for because there will be an “ad” icon next to the result. Google typically shows a couple of paid search results before going into the organic ones.

Companies spend a lot of money to ensure they are being seen. Google Adwords allows businesses to bid on keywords that are relevant to them. However, you cannot simply pay the highest amount to ensure you are seen. Much like organic search, Google still has an algorithm in place to ensure all search results are relevant.

Working with a digital marketing company that understands Google Adwords will not only increase your results but saves you money in the long run. It is so important to be doing constant maintenance on your ads because Google’s technology adds keywords that it thinks are relevant to your business. Sometimes this is beneficial, but sometimes it will add words that are not applicable that you are going to have to pay for.

If you are interested in optimizing your website or implementing Google Adwords, then contact Alpha Key Digital. Our team of experienced digital marketers will help your website rank higher resulting in more leads and sales for your business. Get in touch with us today!

4 Social Media Trends for 2022

Social media has evolved over the past few years. It is no longer just a place to share vacation photos with friends, but it is now a powerful tool in digital marketing. Effectively using these platforms is essential in building brand awareness and increasing your audience. More and more big companies are shifting their focus from traditional marketing to social media marketing. Here are some trends that are going to dominate in 2022.

Tik Tok

Since the start of the pandemic, Tik Tok has grown at an exponential rate and now sits on top as being one of the most popular social media platforms with over 1 billion monthly active users. Many people were skeptical about the platform and thought it was just a fad that would only be dominated by young teens. However, the platform has broken into a more mature audience and established itself as an effective marketing tool.

Tik Tok has allowed brands to get away from their more traditional social media marketing tactics and show a more raw and real side of their brand. Many businesses have gained a large audience by showing behind the scenes of their company for example.

Instagram Reels

Following the popularity of Tik Tok, Instagram came out with a feature that mimics the video-sharing platform. Instagram’s reels have the potential to be a key tool for marketing success. Videos on Instagram are receiving more engagement than pictures. They offer a unique way to showcase your business.

When creating video content it is important to note that many consumers have a shortened attention span, so it is best to keep your content under 30 seconds. Consumers are also more drawn to content that does not feel like a typical ad, they want to be entertained with less staged and more authentic content.

Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing will continue to grow in 2022. Utilizing influencers in your social media strategy will help expand your audience and generate growth. It is important to find an influencer that aligns with your brand and has an established audience of their own.

That’s not to say that effective influencers must have hundreds of thousands of followers. We have seen a big increase in “micro-influencers” that have less of a following but stand out in niche markets.

Social Commerce

Social media platforms are making it easy to shop for products without ever leaving their app. Many users were already using social media as their main source for product discovery, so it makes sense to leverage that by creating a native space on social platforms to complete a purchase. We’ve seen this with Instagram’s Shoppable Stories, where you can click on a product’s sticker to purchase it without leaving the app. Utilizing tools like this along with influencer marketing can generate more sales with a broader audience.

Alpha Key Digital Podcast

The first episode of the Alpha Key Digital podcast is out now! In this podcast we will talk about what is going on in the world and how digital marketing ties into it. In this first episode we talk about the music industry – specifically The Grateful Dead – and how they use different type of marketing to reach their fans. We will also take a dive into the first week of the NFL Season and discuss how athletes use social media to enhance their brand.

New episodes drop every Tuesday morning, so make sure to follow us on Spotify or Apple Podcasts!

Why Email Marketing Is Important

Every so often a new fad comes up in the digital marketing world. Trends come and go (RIP Vine), and some things just stick. One of those things that stuck was the usage of email. Email is the only way to have direct communication that does not involve another platform., therefore, you have the most control over this marketing tactic. Emails have outlasted other communication techniques, and have always played a vital role.

You may think to yourself “Yeah but who reads emails for pleasure?”, well you would be surprised. For every $1 spent on digital marketing $42 is the average return (DMA 2019 Marketers Email Tracker). That is an insanely high return on your investment, and something that can be done cost efficiently.

It is estimated that by 2023 there will be about 4.3 billion email accounts. That is an insanely high amount of emails you will never achieve sending to, however even if you tap into .1% of the total emails is still over 4 million emails! 

So you may think to yourself “Sure, there are a lot of emails, but why would they read my message?” This is a very valid question, and there are multiple solutions to this potential issue. These could range from something like making sure your subject line is relevant, make sure the topic is relevant, and that you are not spamming up peoples inboxes.

Many marketing professionals are capable of putting together successful email campaigns to potential clients, but many do not have the time to do so or do not have all of the resources a digital marketing agency may have.

At Alpha Key Digital, we are your one stop source for all of your digital marketing needs. We have significant experience with email marketing that has lead to success for our clients. We take the time to get to know your needs, know the proper messaging, and find the right clients for your business!

A discovery meeting is vital to the success of the email campaign, as this allows us to get to know you best. By getting to know you we are able to know the proper way to communicate with your clients. 

If you are interested in learning more about email campaigns and would like to see some of the work we have done with our clients, please contact us today. We would be more than happy to sit down with you and discuss your email marketing needs! 

10 Marketing Trends for 2021

2020 has brought about a great deal of change for the world of marketing. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our lives have become even more digital; services are going virtual and many employees are working remotely more than ever. These trends aren’t going anywhere, and the last several months have shaped what clients and consumers are looking for in this new normal. Read on to learn about the marketing trends you can expect to see in 2021.

1. Changes in social media use – Not surprisingly, social media use keeps growing, and it will become an even more integral part of a successful digital marketing strategy in the coming year. Specifically, using social media to engage with and retain clients will be crucial during the first few months of 2021 as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. Because people are spending exponentially more time online, brands should increase their social media budgets to focus on reaching new audiences and interact with past customers.

2. New platforms for engagement – In addition to spending more time scrolling on their phones, people have begun using new and different social media platforms in 2020. Tik Tok has become one of the most popular apps over the last several months. The social video app has expanded its opportunities for brands to advertise. This gives advertisers the opportunity to increase brand awareness to a new group of potential customers.

3. Use of voice search – Although voice search is not part of Google’s algorithm for now, it often yields different results than a traditional Google search. 2021 will be key for coordinating SEO and voice search.

4. New and different visuals – It’s easy to tell when a website is outdated, so keeping up with visual trends remains important in 2021. Muted color palettes, minimalist-style pages, simple fonts and eye-catching illustrations are forecasted to be popular in the next year.

5. SEO remains crucial – Making sure that important data is kept current on the web is one of the most important things brands can do in the coming year – especially small businesses. Google can provide helpful information about the services you offer, business hours, and location. Keeping your listings updated allows potential customers to find you based on your address and lets them know changes in your promotions, blogs, or any other news you want to share at a glance.

6. Easy accessibility – The biggest reason customers are switching brand allegiance today is due to the availability of the goods or services they are shopping for. Keeping a large inventory and increasing the number of time-slots you can offer a service can help meet the demands of customers.

7. Quick communication – If, for whatever reason, you cannot keep up with consumer demand, it’s important to communicate that clearly to your audience. Set reasonable expectations to prevent angry customers and bad reviews. Increased communication also looks to be crucial during the first few months of 2021 as the COVID-19 pandemic rages on and resources are limited for many businesses.

8. Increased interactive content – The use of interactive content has exploded in 2020, and trend forecasting shows that people will continue to heavily engage with it in 2021. Incorporating interactive aspects into your social media channels or website is a great way to grab your customers’ attention. Something as simple as a social media poll or as complicated can make a difference in audience engagement rates.

9. Customer retention is key – You may already know that retaining an existing customer costs a fraction of finding new ones. Focusing on retention will be more important than ever in 2021. Satisfied customers come back and spread the word about your business through recommendations and referrals.

10. Keeping employees motivated – With more employees working remotely, many are facing burnout. Keeping your associates energized, especially during the first half of 2021, is key in maintaining your brand’s success. Connected employees are more productive, work better with others, and provide customer satisfaction. Prioritizing the needs of your employees directly impacts the success of your business as a whole.

As strange and unpredictable 2020 has been, it gave us many insights into the marketing trends that are sure to be apparent in the new year. Incorporating these into your 2021 marketing plan is a great way to ensure success in the next several months. Contact us today so we can up your digital game!

Tips for Working with a Web Designer

If you’re a small business or start-up, creating a website is one of the first and most important things you can do to get your name out to potential clients. While building your own website can be rewarding, a professional website designer has the skills to create a complex and unique site based on the needs of your business. If you’re looking for a polished site for your company, hiring a web designer can elevate your digital marketing strategy. Read on to learn what you can do to be prepared to work with a web designer.

Know what you want

Before you meet with your website designer, it is important to have an idea of what your website needs and wants. It is important to work with a designer whose style matches what you need. For example, if you are a retailer who wants to sell products on your website, you should work with a designer who is familiar with ecommerce functions. How many webpages you need, the general content of each, and any extra features or services should also be taken into account when deciding who will design your company’s website.

Have a contract

Once you have determined who your website designer will be, you should draft a contract with terms both parties agree to. Everything you expect from your website designer, including project objectives, timelines, budget and payment schedules, should be included in this formal agreement. This benefits both you and your website designer because each will understand the goals and expectations of the project.

Be prepared to collaborate

Once the project has begun, you and your website designer should be working together consistently. It is important that you be honest and communicate clearly so that you receive the product you want, and your designer has an idea of what you are looking for. Trusting your website designer to execute your vision, while providing content and giving constructive feedback, allows the project to move along efficiently. Ultimately, you should be prepared to spend some time working with your designer to ensure the site is what you need it to be for your business.

Not all website designers are the same, and it is important that you work with one you can support your vision and create a digital platform that can expand your business. Following the tips above will ensure that you have a productive and successful relationship with your website designer, ultimately creating the site of your dreams.

Shopify vs. Squarespace

Having an online store for your business is crucial to give your sales a boost. Shopify and Squarespace are both excellent platforms for online sales. When it comes to which building your website, though, it can be difficult to determine which is better suited for your ecommerce needs.

While both Shopify and Squarespace are tools for making online sales more efficient, they are both different. Each offers their own monthly plans to fit your budget based on the needs of your business and website. The cost can range from $18 per month to over $250. The right plan for you can depend on the transaction fee rate, social media integration, and your reporting needs. Both Shopify and Squarespace both offer a variety of different user plans.

In terms of functionality, Shopify was created solely as an ecommerce platform and accepts more forms of payment than Squarespace, including all credit cards, multiple currencies, offline payments and payments through channels like Twitter and Amazon. For this reason, it can be a better choice for if you have a high volume of online traffic and want to make user experience a priority. Unlike Squarespace, Shopify also has an app store which can help ecommerce sites keep track of gift wrapping, inventory, and customer reviews.

Squarespace also has its benefits. It has a much simpler and easier to use page editor, making it ideal for those looking to create an aesthetically pleasing ecommerce website. Squarespace’s page editor prioritizes dynamic pages (such as product or collection pages) rather than static pages (like an about or contact us page). Meanwhile, Shopify’s page editor isn’t as powerful because it’s not as high of a priority for many ecommerce websites. So, if you only need to sell a handful of products online and want your site to look attractive, Squarespace may be a better choice for you to fit your specific needs.

Essentially, the biggest difference between the two is the anticipated audiences. Squarespace is a great choice for small businesses with a limited number of products for sale online. Shopify, on the other hand, is built for large, corporate ecommerce websites.

Ultimately, both Shopify and Squarespace each have their pros and cons. Both platforms are easy to use and make online transactions simple for users. Generally, if you plan to have a lot of traffic on your ecommerce website and want to optimize payments for customers, Shopify is the better of the two. However, if you have a smaller ecommerce site and visuals are important to you, you may choose Squarespace because it is budget-friendly and easy to design unique pages.

Social Media During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken its toll on everyone in recent months. Many brands are finding themselves at a loss for what to say, especially on digital platforms. Social media marketing, however, has become more important than ever. As Americans stay home, the internet is changing the way we connect with others as we attempt to normalize our everyday lives as much as possible. Many businesses are able to continue operating virtually, and communicating what you can offer and when you will be open can keep your customers connected and informed throughout this challenging time. Read on to learn some of the best and most effective techniques for social media marketing during COVID-19.

1. Know your audience – Even if you’ve spent years building your brand and becoming acquainted with your audience, it’s important to have a good understanding of the people you’re trying to talk to. You may not know your customer in their current state, and there may be new audience segments you can try marketing to. Now is an excellent time to take a step back and re-acquaint yourself with your ideal customers, including who they are and what they want to see.

2. Create interactive content – Interactive posts including quizzes, polls and 360-degree videos are great ways to engage with your audience. These types of social media posts tend to fare well, especially compared to static posts where audience participation is not an option. Whenever possible, think of ways you can create an immersive experience for your followers. Every piece of interactive content is a call-to-action in itself and is extremely sharable, which in turn increases brand awareness.

3. Increase social commerce – If you’re a business that can sell your products online, now is the time to take advantage of that. Platforms like Instagram encourage linking your products to your posts and making them easy to navigate for consumers. Shoppable posts and stories, social commerce apps and paid advertisements on social media are all great ways to boost sales during this time. Many internet users are finding that social networks have become important information sources for making product choices. This trend will surely continue throughout 2020, as options to visit retail stores are somewhat limited.

4. Try new things – Now is a great time to try new things on your social media channels. Posting to your stories, going live or even expanding your digital platform to incorporate different social media platforms are all excellent engagement methods. No matter what direction you choose, now is the time to explore, look for new opportunities, and set the stage for better, more engaged customer interactions now and in the future.

Following the tips above will help ensure that you maximize the use of your social media channels during this challenging time. Most people are looking for something to distract themselves from the contant flood of news updates during this precarious time. Making your social media a creative and interactive page for your followers can grow your engagement and build trust while keeping you in business virtually.

Social Media Tactics That Work

Social media is one of the most difficult digital marketing avenues to tackle successfully. Different platforms are constantly changing, and what’s popular one moment might be deemed out of fashion the next. If your business uses social media, you’ve probably tried the most obvious tips for boosting your following and engagement. These include posting at optimal times of day based on your target audience, using hashtags and regularly engaging with your followers. While these can be useful, there are a variety of other tactics you can begin to incorporate into your social media strategy that will maximize your business’ digital marketing outreach.

1. Chat with and tag

ou know that influencers’ followings are incredibly loyal, which is why brands love partnering with them. Microinfluencers can be just as impactful, since they are often seen as more genuine than those with millions of followers. If you contact microinfluencers directly offering to partner for a promotional opportunity, you’ll likely receive a positive response. Many businesses have used the power of influencer marketing to their advantage, and it’s a great way to find new followers.

2. Go live

Videos are vital in today’s social media landscape, and it’s no secret that going live can have a major impact on your engagement rates. Live videos are exciting for followers because they happen in real time, giving viewers the opportunity to interact with the person or business in the video. Live videos are also appealing due to their rawness and realness; they show you honestly, without filters and highly curated images. The increase in the popularity of live videos can be attributed to social media users’ interest in authenticity.

3. Use social media for customer service needs

More and more companies are using their social platforms to interface with clients and consumers. Similarly, customers have come to expect that they can use social media for customer service concerns. Encouraging consumers to message your social media channels for customer service needs is a great way to build a strong following and create a loyal client base. Customers also appreciate a quick response time, so be sure to stay on top of your messages when your followers reach out to your business’ page.

4. Create a poll or survey

People love to give their input and feel heard, especially on social media. Creating a poll or survey lets your followers make their wants and interests known, making them excellent tools to increase engagement. You can also capitalize on the valuable data from these poll results, helping you get a feel for what you followers are interested in and using that to make your brand more appealing to consumers.

Follow these tips to revamp your social media strategy and see returns on your digital marketing investment!